Frequently Asked Questions

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What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is a gentle therapy based on the principle that all the systems of the body are mapped out in reflex points on the feet, hands or face. It is mostly associated with the feet as they are the most sensitive.Using specific thumb and finger techniques, reflexologists can stimulate approximately 7,500 nerve endings in the feet, helping to bring the body back to balance/homeostasis.

Reflexology is not a new concept, in fact its origins date as far back as ancient China and Egypt (2330 B.C.). Today it has become a popular complimentary therapy as it treats the body as a whole, not just specific areas, thus treating the whole person and not just the problem area.

Reflexology works by clearing blockages/congestion from specific areas of the body. This congestion can sometimes feel like grittiness under the skin to the reflexologist and may feel tender to the client. Often this congestion can lead to imbalances in the body and can show up in the form of illnesses or chronic disorders.Reflexology is deeply relaxing and has many benefits from boosting immunity to improving sleep. It is suitable for all ages at all stages, from newborn to end of life.

How much is a session?

Depending on the treatment you choose prices vary. One hour treatments start at €70.

For reflexology sessions, a discount will be applied for those who do not have health insurance that covers reflexology.

What does 'Holistic Therapy' involve?

Holistic Therapy uses a combination of natural treatments like massage, reflexology and aromatherapy to promote physical and emotional health.

Can I claim back on my health insurance?

Yes, if reflexology is covered on your plan. A receipt will be emailed to you following your treatment.

How often should I come for reflexology?

It depends on your needs and how benifical you find the treatment.

An initial course of 6 treatments is generally advised if you are looking for support with a specific issue.

I have some clients that come weekly and some that come every month. I also have others that come every 3 months - 6 months. 

There is no pressure and no obligation. 

What should I expect when I arrive?

When you arrive we will have a quick chat and go through your completed consulation form. I may have some additional questions before we start and equally you may want to ask some questions too. Once you are on the plinth (massage bed) or reflexology chair and wrapped up nice and cosy I will give your feet a gentle refresh using hot towels.

We begin the treatment by focusing on the breath, for some clients I will do a short meditation at the begining. I will then complete a short warm up sequence followed by your selected treament.

Following your session I will ask you if you would like some feedback and we will go through the findings of the treatment. I will advise on any appropriate home care advice such as introducing some self-care practices.

Water is provided before and after your treatment.

Aromatherapy blends or inhalers can be purchased following your treatment.

What should I wear?

Please wear comfy clothes and socks with shoes or trainers. Sandals/flipflops are not advised as your feet will be slippy following your treatment and you could slip out of you sandals/flipflops when walking or driving.

Are there toilet facilities?

In The Relaxation Room itself, no, however everyone is more than welcome to come into my home. Just ask!

What if I can't relax?

That's ok. Sometimes it can be hard in a new place but I always tell clients; don't put any pressure on yourself. Just be. Lie down, listen to the music, take in the aromas and if thoughts pop in, just let them.

For alot of people taking time out for themselves is a very new concept. It can take the nervous system time to learn to switch off. Practicing relaxation techniques regularly will help.

What if I fall asleep?

Brilliant! I would say 80% of people fall completely asleep and some even snore or make sounds. That's great, it is what your body needs at that moment and is a good sign your nervous system is able to completely switch off and relax.

Do we talk during a treatment?

Generally, no. For your own benefit, it is better to be quiet as overall it will be more relaxing for you and that is usually the main aim of treatments.

However, some clients can find it very hard to switch off initially and prefer to chat a little at the start before they fully relax. 

What products do you use?

For foot reflexology I use a selection of reflex creams from Irish companies; Flying Wild, OBUS and VOYA.

For facial reflexology I choose from a selction of oils from Neals Yard, Flying Wild and BOMAR.

For aromatherapy, I use essential oils from BOMAR, Neals Yard and OBUS. For base oils and creams, I use products from BOMAR and OBUS

I mostly try to use Irish, organic products where I can, however, if I find a great product from another company further a field I will include it in my offerings.

Base oils used are grapeseed, coconut and sweet almond.

Theraputic oils used are jojoba, rosehip and avacado.

For foot refresh, I use hot towels sprayed with Neals Yard organic defence spray - it is 70% alcohol.

For Hopi Ear Candling I use Biosun Ear Candles.

Hand Sanitizer for client use is VOYA.

Please ensure to state any allergies in your consulation form.